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Jobs on Fiverr With Highest Pay

Once you’ve decided to go into freelancing, whether full-time or part-time, it’ll be useful to know what job (gig) to focus on that will pay off well. Being a successful freelancer requires a strong will to succeed, irrespective of the challenges and difficulties that you will encounter at the initial stage. In this post, we have listed and discussed the 24 jobs on fiverr with highest pay. This post will help you identify and make a decision on the job (gig) that is suitable for you, so make sure to read through this post to the end.

Read: What is Freelancing and How To Make Money Freelancing

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is one of the world’s largest online marketplaces where you can buy or sell digital services. Whether you are looking for a content writer, website designer, programmer, logo designer, content creator, etc., or you are a content writer, a programmer, or website designer who wants to sell your services online, Fiverr is the right place for you. There are many digital products and services to buy or sell in Fiverr.

What is a Fiverr Gig?

A “fiverr gig” simply means the kind of job that you can do very well. It also means the type of services you are very good at and would like to sell on Fiverr. A Fiverr gig can also be seen as a talent or skill that you have learned and would like to sell to people on Fiverr. Fiverr gives you an avenue to display your skills and inform buyers of the types of services you render. There are different categories of jobs (gigs) to choose from on Fiverr, and you should keep in mind that it is important to choose the one you have expertise in.

To get started with choosing a job (gig), the first step is to create an account on Fiverr, then write a description of yourself, your skills, and the services that you offer. Don’t worry too much; the description can be short, and later you can edit it; you can also add a new gig later as well.

Advantages of Fiverr

It is exciting to know that Fiverr offers you many wonderful opportunities to make money with your digital skills as a freelancer. Some of the benefits of selling your skills on Fiverr include;

a. Fiverr has a lot of jobs (gigs). The website is loaded with lots of gigs for you to choose from; no matter what your skill is, Fiverr has got you covered. What is required of you is to be a specialist in that gig and advertise yourself through Fiverr. Before selecting a gig, make sure that you have mastery of it; you have passion for it; and that you have interest in it.

b. High earning potential. Depending on the gig you choose, some gigs can pay as much as $100 per project or even more than that. All you need to do is step up your game by providing quality services that will make people want to come back for more.

c. Fiverr offers you flexibility. It means that you can work from anywhere at any time that is convenient for you. Whenever you are tired and need rest, you can pause and take a break.

d. Payment is seamless. Fiverr has a seamless payment system, that is, without a waste of time you will receive payment easily for services rendered. 

Jobs on Fiverr With Highest Pay

In choosing a gig (job) on Fiverr, it is important to consider the most profitable gigs (jobs) so that your effort will be worth it. Below, we have listed jobs on fiverr with Highest pay. Some of the high paying gigs that you can sell on Fiverr include:

1. Logo Design
This gig requires good knowledge of graphic design. Many organizations have had their logo designed using fiverr. This gig is in high demand because every day new organizations are formed, and existing organizations may want to come up with new and innovative logo designs or make some modifications to an existing one. Logo design is one of the most profitable gigs on Fiverr, and a lot of people are willing to pay for this service. What you need to remain successful in this job are innovative and creative skills in graphic design. Thanks to technology, you can now design logos in few minutes using artificial intelligence (AI) graphics designer like simplified or neuroflash. Once you have signed up, you will need to build your portfolio. To do this, you can design and display logos designed by you for individuals, companies, and big organizations. You can earn as much as $70 to $150 for each logo design.

2. Proofreading and Editing
This involves reading an article, a book, or content generally to identify and correct grammatical errors, spelling errors, and punctuation errors. So if you are an expert in identifying and correcting such errors, then it is time for you to start earning from your skills. This gig (job) is in high demand because it has a very large audience, and a large audience means a very high potential for making more money. There are many people who want proofreaders for their books, blogs, articles, research work, etc. The audience in this gig keeps increasing as the day goes by because of an increase in digitisation wherein many people publish things online hence need proofreaders and editors in order to make it free from errors.

The amount you charge for rendering this service totally depends on you and your expertise in this gig; there is no specific fixed price. The pay for proofreaders on Fiverr ranges from $0.30 to $1.5 per 100 words.

3. Virtual Assistant
This gig on Fiverr is in high demand because it is pretty easy to do, it does not require a high level of experience or educational qualifications, and you earn by performing short tasks online. Virtual Assistant tasks include creating emails, online teaching, data entry, research, virtual computer and phone repairs, etc.

People who are into this gig can earn between $4 and $20 per hour depending on the type of work, their experience, and how demanding the task is.

4. Designing the Covers of Books
If you are good at designing book covers, then you need to consider this gig on Fiverr as the pay is high. You would be able to earn a good amount of money from designing the covers of ebooks, journals, or magazines. This Fiverr gig requires that you be good at designing graphics using tools like Canva, or Simplified. You also need to make the design of the book cover relate to the content of each book. Keep in mind that a book’s cover is a selling point and the first contact a buyer makes with a book. The book cover should be designed in such a way that it attracts and appeals to potential buyers. As your portfolio grows and you record successful books whose covers you designed, you can get bigger projects for as much as $300 for each book cover.

5. Ad Campaigns
If you are good at setting up good and quality ad campaigns that have the capacity to generate leads for companies, then you should consider going into this gig. An ad campaign is a write-up, graphic, or combination of both that is used by organizations to market and advertise their products or services. Many organizations prefer to get their ad campaign from Fiverr because it is cheap and because modifications can be made to the ad campaign easily, quickly, and at anytime.

Designing an ad campaign sometimes requires that you include an attractive photograph of someone using the product or service or write a captivating phrase to draw people’s attention. You should keep in mind that advertising campaigns are the selling point of businesses; therefore, you should be innovative and creative in designing them. You can create high converting ad campaigns using copy.ai.

6. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is one of the most widely adopted ways to advertise a product or service online to a large group of people at the same time and in different locations. These ads are delivered through social media, email, mobile apps, the web, etc. The demand for digital marketers is increasing daily on Fiverr; companies are investing huge amounts of money in this gig, and there is lots of money to be made as a freelancer in digital marketing. If you are skilled or experienced in social media marketing, email marketing, then you can make good amount of money in this gig. All you need to be successful is to deliver the best services to your clients.

7. Creating video intros or animated logos
If you are talented or have skills in creating short, rich, and quality videos, then this gig will be a perfect match. The videos may include intros with logo animation, creating cards with a unique voice, animated graphics of products, or anything that can attract an audience and help to increase sales. Creating videos on Fiverr is profitable because the gig is not common and it is in high demand by organizations, there is high potential of earning between $5 to $16 for each video you create. The most interesting aspect is that you can use simplified, and canva to create this videos and animated logos for free.

8. Article Writing
If you have excellent writing skills, then this is one of the best Fiverr gigs that you should venture into. The demand is increasing daily when compared to the number of good article writers available in the market; that is, a lot of money can be made through article writing.

Many companies employ writers to write compelling articles for their websites in order to attract more visitors. In order to earn big in this gig, you should be talented in article writing; alternatively, you can use artificial intelligence (AI) article writer like Copy.ai, or Jasper.ai to write wonderful and amazing articles if you do not have any experience in article writing.

One interesting aspect of this gig is that there is no educational background required in order to start writing articles. To master it, you need to read books and articles written by other people in order to learn and practice the art of article writing.

Read: Free AI Writer Best for Generating Content

9. Design of post cards, flyers, and business cards
This gig requires that you are good at graphics design using simplified, or jasper.ai. You can earn a good amount of money by making flyers, postcards, or business cards for people and companies. To be successful in this gig, you need to be innovative and creative in your designs. You can earn as much as $5 to $15 for each design of a postcard, flyer, or business card.

10. Website Testing
A lot of new blogs and websites are developed every day, and they often need people to test the functionality as well as the navigation of these blogs or websites. Website testing is simple, straight forward and does not require much technical knowledge. Your job is to navigate through a website, check the functionalities and features, and then share your experience after going through the website. This gig does not require prior knowledge or experience; you earn a good amount of money and also learn new things as you test each website.
Read: 15 Legit Websites that Pay for Testing other Websites

11. WordPress Troubleshooting
WordPress is a leading software when it comes to creating websites or blogs. It is easy to use and user-friendly, but at times people mess things up while trying to do something using the software. If you are familiar with WordPress and a tech guru, then you can earn money by helping people who get stuck while using WordPress. Currently, WordPress troubleshooters are in great demand because many websites are being developed daily. Also, a lot of new beginners who use the software would find it very difficult to resolve problems when stuck, but for you, it is very easy and may take you a few minutes to resolve the issues. As a website troubleshooter on Fiverr, you can earn between $60 and $75 for each website, although it depends on the complexity of the problem and your troubleshooting experience.

12. Editing Designs in Photoshop
Sometimes mistakes happen while designing a flyer, a postcard, or a business card. In order to correct the errors in the design, you can use Photoshop to edit and make the necessary corrections. There are two versions of Photoshop: the free version and the premium version. The free version is limited in the sense that there are some features to which you may not have access, but in the premium version, you have access to unlimited features.

If you want to venture into this Fiverr gig, you need to go for the premium version in order to completely and easily edit any design, but if you are a beginner, you can use the free version to practice.

To have or attract more clients in this gig, you need to make a portfolio of your works so that people can see and have confidence that you can deliver good and quality work. You can earn between $8 and $20 for each edit.

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13. Diet Planner
In today’s world, dietitians are in high demand because of the role they play in helping us eat healthy food in order to remain healthy and well-nourished and avoid fatigue, weight gain or loss, etc. If you are a dietician, you can earn money by giving recommendations and advice to people on what to eat and what not to eat to be strong and physically fit. A lot of people are looking for dietitians who can give them the right guidance as to what their bodies need in terms of diet and healthy living. So there is a lot of money to be made in this gig if you have a complete and good knowledge of health and nutritional facts.

14. Social Media Marketing
In the time we are in now, almost everybody, including businesses and organizations, uses social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc.) to promote their products and services. Businesses use these social media platforms to advertise their products and attract customers. A social media marketer helps businesses achieve their advertising goals by marketing and promoting the business’s products on social media worldwide.

As a social media marketer, your job includes creating and designing the social media accounts of your clients, creating fan pages for potential buyers, and writing and hosting promotional campaigns for your clients’ products and services.

This gig is continuously in high demand, to do well in this fiverr gig, you must have some experience with social media marketing.

15. Video Tutorials
Making of video tutorials on social media have been on the increase of late and a lot of people have been earning from it. You would have seen many tutorials on how to cook a particular food, or how to repair a gadget, or how to makeup on facebook, YouTube, whatsapp, tiktok, etc. 

Making video tutorials on Fiverr is a great way to earn, but you need to have in-depth knowledge of the niche in which you are making the videos and a large network. A lot of organizations contract people to make video tutorials on how to use their products or ways of resolving issues while using their products or services. If you do your job very well, you can earn between $25 and $30 per video tutorial.

16. Writing Descriptions for Products and Services
This Fiverr gig is interesting, especially if you are creative and a proficient writer. In doing this job, you need to have a good knowledge of the products or services for which you will be writing. However, you can use AI tools like Copy.ai, and Jasper.ai to write compelling and attractive product descriptions.

Every product needs a description, whether it is sold online or offline. In most cases, the product description tells a lot about a product and, if written well, can generate more leads. For example, if you want to buy a product from any e-commerce website, be it Amazon, AliExpress, eBay, etc., you will always find the product description below the product images. The product description would always include the product name, brand, weight or size, functions, benefits, etc.

It is good when you want to write a product description, you check some of the descriptions of other similar products to learn how to write yours. You can earn from $4 to $60 for each product description you write, depending on how skilled and experienced you are.

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17. Designing Websites
A lot of organizations and businesses emanate everyday, they also want to make an online presence and therefore need a website designer to setup a website for their business. 

There has been an increase in the demand for website creation over the past few years because a lot of people want to sell their products or services online and they want to reach a larger audience across the globe. There is no doubt that these businesses need good website designers who would make wonderful, beautiful, and attractive websites while keeping the type of business in mind. There are free website builders that you can use to design websites and sell to clients on Fiverr. For example, you can use WordPress to create and design beautiful, responsive, and functional websites if you do not have any programming experience.

As a website designer, you can earn between $10 and $150 per website designed on Fiverr, but it would depend on the type of services you provide.

18. Financial Consulting Services
This gig requires that you have studied finance and have good knowledge of accounting. Your job is to provide professional accounting advice to your clients. There are lots of people and companies who need help making budgets, choosing funding options, analyzing the risks of investments, etc., and you will earn a lot on Fiverr by providing solutions to those problems.

19. Influencer and viral promoter
This gig is suitable for people who have lots of followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. For example, if you have 1,500,000 followers on your Facebook page, you can earn between $4000 and $6000 by promoting products on your page. Similarly, if you have something like 200,000 views on your YouTube channel, you can earn $10,000 to $15,000 by promoting products on your channel.

As a beginner who is interested in this gig, you may be wondering how to increase followers on social media. All you need to do is do what your viewers love, and that will attract other viewers as well. You may also read this: How to Be a Social Media Influencer.

20. Audio File Transcription
Audio file transcription simply means converting audio to text or translating an audio file from one language to another. Some people prefer the written format of a piece of content rather than the audio format. This gig is easy to venture into as there is no prior experience needed; all you need is a good understanding of the language in which the audio was recorded.

The amount of money you can earn would depend on the length of the file, the complexity of the language being translated, and the clarity of the language being transcribed. You can earn between $5 and $10 for translating an audio file lasting 20 minutes; if you are able to translate an average of 10 audio files per day, you will be earning between $50 and $100 each day. Although the competition for this gig is quite high and it also depends on the language you choose to transcribe, it is worth giving it a try.

21. Teaching Languages
If you have different languages that you speak fluently, you can earn money from them. You can make a short language course and sell it to people on Fiverr. Many people are interested in learning a new language, either for business purposes or for personal interest. The beauty of this niche is that you can earn hourly; that is, the more hours you put in to teach people, the more money you earn. You can earn between $5 and $7 per hour, depending on your language skills and experience.

Convert your passion to earning on Fiverr

22. Creating a Pinterest Pin
Pinterest has become one of the best platform to search for things online after search engines. Many people these days want Pinterest pictures for their website, blog, or social media profile. You can earn good money by designing Pinterest pins for people if you have some knowledge about it. This gig has great potential because not many people know about it, and so there is lots of money to be made in this gig.

23. Writing Reviews for Books, Websites, Apps, Services, Businesses, etc.
In this gig, you will provide opinions based on your experience using a website, a book, an app, or other service, and you will get paid for it. This is a pretty easy job to do and does not require previous knowledge. All you need to do is write about a website, an app, a topic, etc. You can also make a short video sharing your opinions on it. Your earnings will depend on the niche you are in, whether that is reviewing books, reviewing websites, reviewing apps, or reviewing businesses. You can earn as much as $150 to $200 for each review.

24. Jewelry Making
If you are a specialist in designing and making beautiful jewelry, then this Fiverr gig is a good fit for you. You will have access to a wider audience across the globe who would be interested in your crafts. You can earn good money by designing and making handmade jewelry because there is an increasing demand for handmade jewelry like earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc. across the globe, especially in India. So put your skill to use and start making jewelries because there’s a large market for it on fiverr.


Having listed some of the most profitable gigs to make money on Fiverr doesn’t mean that you can’t make money from other ones. If your area of interest and expertise is not mentioned above, don’t worry; you can try it out. After all, there’s no harm in trying, and who knows, it could be the best way for you to earn.

Make sure you have mastery of any gig you are going for; this is very important if you really want to earn money on Fiverr. Also ensure that you provide good quality services to your clients in order to have high rating and for them to always come back when they have projects.
